OAuth2 Server

An OAuth2 server concerns how to grant the authorization and how to protect the resource. Register an OAuth provider:

from flask_oauth2_devices.provider import OAuth2DevicesProvider

app = Flask(__name__)
oauth = OAuth2DevicesProvider(app)

Like any other Flask extensions, we can pass the application later:

oauth = OAuth2DevicesProvider()

def create_app():
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app

To implement the authorization flow, we need to understand the data model.

Client (Application)

A client is the app which want to use the resource of a user. It is suggested that the client is registered by a user on your site, but it is not required.

The client should contain at least these properties:

  • client_id: A random string
  • client_secret: A random string
  • client_type: A string represents if it is confidential
  • redirect_uris: A list of redirect uris
  • default_redirect_uri: One of the redirect uris
  • default_scopes: Default scopes of the client

But it could be better, if you implemented:

  • allowed_grant_types: A list of grant types
  • allowed_response_types: A list of response types
  • validate_scopes: A function to validate scopes


The value of the scope parameter is expressed as a list of space- delimited, case-sensitive strings.

via: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-3.3

An example of the data model in SQLAlchemy (SQLAlchemy is not required):

class Client(db.Model):
    client_id = db.Column(db.String(40), primary_key=True)
    client_secret = db.Column(db.String(55), nullable=False)

    user_id = db.Column(db.ForeignKey('user.id'))
    user = db.relationship('User')

    _redirect_uris = db.Column(db.Text)
    _default_scopes = db.Column(db.Text)

    def client_type(self):
        return 'public'

    def redirect_uris(self):
        if self._redirect_uris:
            return self._redirect_uris.split()
        return []

    def default_redirect_uri(self):
        return self.redirect_uris[0]

    def default_scopes(self):
        if self._default_scopes:
            return self._default_scopes.split()
        return []


The oauth provider has some built-in defaults, you can change them with Flask config:

OAUTH2_PROVIDER_ERROR_URI The error page when there is an error, default value is '/oauth/errors'.
OAUTH2_PROVIDER_ERROR_ENDPOINT You can also configure the error page uri with an endpoint name.
OAUTH2_PROVIDER_CODE_EXPIRES_IN Default OAuth code expires time, default is 3600.


The implementation of authorization flow needs two handlers, one is the code handler generate the initial user_code and device_code, the other is the authorization handler for the device to request an access token once the user has authorized the device.

Before the implementing of authorize and token handler, we need to set up some getters and setters to communicate with the database.

Client getter

A client getter is required. It tells which client is sending the requests, creating the getter with decorator:

def load_client(client_id):
    return Client.query.filter_by(client_id=client_id).first()

Auth code getter and setter

Auth code getter and setter are required. They are used in the authorization flow, implemented with decorators:

def load_auth_code(code):
    return Code.query.filter_by(code=code).first()

In our example our auth code setter also creates creates new auth codes:

def save_auth_code(code, client_id, user_id, *args, **kwargs):

    expires_in = (AUTH_EXPIRATION_TIME if code is None else code.pop('expires_in'))
    expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=expires_in)
    created = datetime.utcnow()

    cod = Code(
        code = (None if code is None else code['code']),
        _scopes = ('public private' if code is None else code['scope']),

    if cod.code is None:
        cod.code = cod.generate_new_code(cod.client_id)[:8]

    return cod

In the sample code, there is a get_current_user method, that will return the current user object, you should implement it yourself.

Token creation

You are free to generate access tokens in whatever way you want. We have provided an example for creating access tokens and refresh tokens on the token object:

 def create_access_token(self, client_id, user_id, scope, token_type):

    expires_in = AUTH_EXPIRATION_TIME
    expires = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=expires_in)
    created = datetime.utcnow()

    tok = Token(
        _scopes = ("public private" if scope is None else ' '.join(scope)),

    if tok.access_token is None:
        tok.access_token = tok._generate_token()

    return tok

def refresh(self, token):

    tok = Token(
        _scopes = ("public private" if scope is None else ' '.join(scope)),

    if tok.refresh_token is None:
        tok.refresh_token = tok._generate_refresh_token()

    return tok

The crytographic functions you use to generate the actual tokens are totally up to you, however we have some example in the example code.

Code handler

Code handler is a decorator for generating Auth Codes. You don’t need to do much:

@app.route('/oauth/device', methods=['POST'])
@oauth.code_handler("https://api.example.com/oauth/device/authorize", "https://example.com/activate", 600, 600)
def code():
    return None

It expects the following parameters

  • Authroize URL
  • Activate URL
  • Expires Internal
  • Recommended Polling Internal

Authorize handler

Authorize handler is a decorator for the device to request an access token once the user has authorized the device. You don’t need to do much:

@app.route('/oauth/device/authorize', methods=['POST'])
def authorize():
    return None

Protect Resource

Protect the resource of a user with require_oauth decorator now:

def me():
    user = request.oauth.user
    return jsonify(email=user.email, username=user.username)

Example for OAuth 2 for devices

Here is an example of OAuth 2 server: https://github.com/greedo/flask-oauth2-devices/example